Marrying couples are often told that their Wedding cake needs to have multiple tiers and elaborate decorations to be special. As someone who has been to more than a few weddings, I can tell you that this is nonsense. Here’s a story about how a cake costing almost a tenth of what we had originally been quoted turned out to be one of the highlights of our Wedding.
Ordering What You Think Is The Perfect Cake
A very posh baker told us that their ‘English Garden’ cake would add a series of unique colours and fragrances to our Wedding, and was the only cake fit for the occasion. This seemed convincing, until my wife and I were charged £1000 for our cake and asked to collect it ourselves. We were asked to spend a wage on the cake and then drive the high-maintenance sponge back home with us, hoping that it did not fall apart on the way. Obviously, we cancelled the order.
Actually Finding The Perfect Cake
This then meant that a few weeks before the Wedding, we were still looking for a cake. Completely by chance, we stumbled upon a fantastic cake in an M&S food hall and then asked our florist to decorate it. For only £120, we got a delicious, sentimental cake that our guests were talking about long after the Wedding. I still pop into M&S now and again and buy the top tier of the cake, because it tastes so good and reminds me of my special day.

A Perfect Cake For A Perfect Wedding
Making Your Cake Extra-Special
Your cake doesn’t need to be expensive to be special. Choosing a cake that you love from a local shop or supermarket that you love, and then asking your florist to decorate it with your partner’s favourite flowers, will be more enjoyable and mean more to both of you than anything you could buy from an expensive baker.