A marriage proposal will (hopefully) be something you’ll only do once in your life, so it’s understandable that you would want to get it right! Once you’ve got past your initial nerves fears, it’s time to get creative.

Thanks to the likes of social media the pressure is on now more than ever! Naturally, whatever you decide to do you want it to be memorable, so here are some ideas that she’ll be guaranteed to love.

Scavenger Hunt

One way to make your proposal memorable is by creating a thoughtful scavenger hunt – not only is the fun but it’s also very romantic. Scatter notes in and around your favourite places and leave clues (and presents!) to the next location and ultimately you. A good thing to note here is to try not to make it too difficult. You don’t want your soon to be fiancé getting lost or ending up confused, so keep it simple!

With children

They say don’t work with kids, but I say do! Children, if you have them, are a huge part of your life, so including them in big moments like this only makes it more special. What you decide to do will depend on the age of your children. Babies wearing ‘will you marry daddy?’ baby grows are an obvious go to if you’ve recently had a baby, but there are plenty of ways to get older children involved too! You might want to rope them into a scavenger hunt or get them to create some fun artwork to hold up during.

With animals

No kids, no problem! Why not use one of your fur babies instead? There are loads of ways to involve your furry family member in your proposal. If you’re looking for some inspiration you could try attaching the ring to their collar or having a specially made tag. Either way, it’s sure to have the cute factor.

During your holiday

Planning a trip somewhere romantic? Or maybe it’s to one of your favourite places? If so, what better time to pop the question! Holidays can be one of the most perfect times to propose as everyone tends to be quite relaxed. Plus, who doesn’t love a white sandy beach somewhere warm? That’s not to say you must go with a beach proposal and in fact lots of holiday destinations are prepared for this kind of thing and after packages to suit you. Just make sure to do it as early as possible so that you’re able to enjoy your trip of a lifetime!

I hope that these suggestions help to get you thinking! There are so many different ways to propose, the possibilities are endless, but I’d be here all day if I were to write them all! What is most important is that it is something that you’ll both remember and think fondly of in years to come so do what makes you both happy!